Posted by: Adventure Doctor | June 6, 2013

The only biodiversity hotspot in Australia

By David Bomba

What a week that was! I finally had a chance to sit back and reflect on a great week of information and activity.  We had a full house for our biodiversity guide training workshops that were held in Albany, Western Australia.  It was action packed, field visits, specialist guest speakers in geology, botany, aboriginal culture and more.

We really are fortunate to live and work in a biodiversity hotspot, the only one in Australia. It all stems from the very old soil types and geographic isolation of our region. Plant species have had to adapt to their environment resulting in some unique structures and adaptations.  It is no wonder that people come from all over the world to engage with our landscape for their holidays. The workshops gave me a renewed sense of inspiration for the geology and ecology of our region. It was all rather timely as we have just recently celebrated World Environment Day . We should all take time to respect and care for the environment that we live in. Remember, once it is gone it is gone forever.

Denmark, Western Australia

Denmark, Western Australia

About the author: Dr Dave, founder & director, a leader in ecotourism.  He specialises in tour guiding, adventure, innovation and social media. Connect with David on  Google+
