Posted by: Adventure Doctor | May 7, 2011

What does adventure mean to you?

The Great South West Edge

West Cape Howe National Park – The Great South West Edge

By David Bomba

It shouldn’t surprise anyone that adventure means different things to different people. One person may experience an adrenalin rush from climbing mountains while another person may achieve a sense of adventure while photographing wildflowers on a bushwalk.

For me adventure is about engaging with the landscape in order to develop a deeper appreciation of an area’s unique ecology. One of my greatest joys is finding a new (for me) plant or observing a new bird species, and then understanding how and why that plant or animal is where it is. It is the interconnectivity of geology, flora and fauna that I find truly awe inspiring.

I’m fortunate to live in a part of the world still dominated by wilderness, and to work in a job that allows me to indulge my love of adventure and exploration. I get my daily dose of inspiration by discovering isolated terrestrial and marine environments in national parks and nature reserves, and by exploring inlets, rivers and coastlines. But, for me, the joy of adventure not only means taking time out to connect with diverse landscapes, but also to understand and meet the people who inhabit them. After all, while adventure is often associated with a personal sense of accomplishment for having reached a set objective and overcoming challenges along the way, it becomes all the more real and exciting when you get to share it with others.

What does adventure mean to you?

For Adventure, Dr Dave style, be inspired by my Postcards WA episode.

About the author: David Bomba, founder & director, a leader in ecotourism @OutofSightTours. He specialises in tour guiding, adventure, innovation and social media. Connect and share with David on  Google+
